Trusted by 25% of all Fortune 500 companies worldwide, Western governments and fellow intelligence agencies, TAM-C is the world’s preferred agency of intelligence & risk management providing state-level intelligence, reconnaissance, and field support to corporations, executive protection & law enforcement entities that rely on critical security operations for real-time and systemic threat prevention year-round.
is TAM-C
Originally created as a Targeted Actionable Monitoring Center by law enforcement and military intelligence veterans, TAM-C employs an innovative approach to mitigating security threats in the private sector by making the client the central piece in the intelligence collection model. TAM-C gathers and analyses client-specific intel vs. generic security advisories to derive powerful actionable insights.
What we do
We help business entities in the private sector stay ahead of security threats by:
- Rating risk levels and making appropriate plans for collecting intelligence.
- Producing periodical objective intelligence reports and analysis, including real time alerts.
- Conducting special field operations to meet threats that have escalated beyond the scope of our clients’ security services.
- Consulting law enforcement organizations and western government entities.
- Training the next generation of intelligence officers worldwide.
How we do it
We maintain a top team of lead analysts in growing areas of interest to our clients like Insider Threats, Executive Protection, IP theft, Cyber, Terrorism, Natural Disasters, Transcontinental Crime, and others.
We combine the collective intelligence of our multi-national in-house teams with Argo™, our proprietary artificial intelligence network.
We combine the collective intelligence of our multi-national in-house teams with ArgoTM, our proprietary artificial intelligence network.
We produce in-depth analysis and provide security concensus on a range of topics and work to contribute wherever possible to the private sector’s intelligence community.
We help clients plan best and worst case scenario intel-gathering programs and are ready to step in to solve real time challenges in the field.
We assess risks, we gather intel, we share alerts, we educate and empower our clients and our partners to protect their business interests and achieve their goals in an increasingly dangerous world.
Our vision is to be the preferred agency for Open Source and publicly available intelligence. We want our intelligence and our collective mind to help private entities stand up for what’s right, often against tough odds.
The organization
For over two decades, TAM-C has hand picked a multi-national elite team of intelligence and security professionals who have operated in some of the world’s most complex environments and served in top level leadership positions where they designed and implemented intel projects for extreme threat levels.
Explore more
TAM-C’s own, Argo™, is the most advanced AI dashboard for managing risk, threat and case management, and delivering real time intelligence.
Risk Assessment, Intelligence Analysis & Briefing, K.R.E.M. Insurance, and Global Field Operations.